Sunday 7 December 2014


This week i went to London


These are a few of the images i got from the site seeing i did whilst being down which which have been a good experience personally and educational. The amount of detail in the buildings and statues are amazing and i got a idea on how i could recreate these if i was ever going to make a set of them,

I really enjoyed looking around and looking at the buildings and the detail they hold.

Harry Potter studio in London

This week i went to the makers of Harry Potter to look at the sets and costumes and props that were used for the films.
As you were waiting in the que there was bits of the set as for this one is in the first film. This is Harry Potter bed room underneath the stairs. You really do get a feel what it would of been like when you see it right in front of you 

At the entrence before you step in to the magic of The makers of Harry Potter there is a short film of how the creators made the films and then the screen goes up to the sealing and then you see the main doors for the great hall.

As the doors were opening you could see the magic of the great hall all the props and costumes.

As you can see from the image they had the Christmas exhibition out when i went this time. In the great hall it was nice to see how the prop and other team made the set and how they made it work. When visiting the studio you do get a real feel on what it is like in a studio and how things work. In the great hall they had these christmas puddings that set on fire with speicel effects and they explained how that was used through out the films. As shown in the picture below.

The food that was laid on the table was made out of resin the reason behind this is because film productions carnt buy food like this if its not going to be eaten on film because of waist and money. So they make the food out of resin so they can keep re using it.

The costumes in Harry Potter were amazing and the amount of detail that went into the work even if it was only used for one shot the team would want it to be perfect, Seing the costumes of your favorite characters is just amazing and seing the amount of detail that goes into the clothing.

Whilst going to the makers of Harry Potter i got to do a work shop and had the chance to see some exclusive stuff. The most amazing thing i got to do was hold and touch Luna dress for me that was amazing to see it and touch it in real life.

Rob Bliss is a concept artist for Harry Potter i find his work really interesting and i like his style of drawing.

He has worked in
Thief of always 2013
Frankenstein 2013
Dracula Untold 2013
The crow 2012
Godzilla 2012
Last Days on mars 2012
Maleficent 2012
Candy Land 2011
Paradise Lost 2011
Neverland 2010
Jack the giant Killer 2009 10
The Dark Knight 2008
Harry Potter and the half blood prince 2008
Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix 2007
Watchmen 2005
Alexander 2004
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban 2004
Lara Croft tomb raider 2003

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets 2002 
Harry potter 2001 
tomb raider 2001 

Going to the maker of Harry Potter i got the chance to see the white mount board models which i found amazing as i now how much work goes in to just one piece.