Sunday 7 December 2014


This week i went to London


These are a few of the images i got from the site seeing i did whilst being down which which have been a good experience personally and educational. The amount of detail in the buildings and statues are amazing and i got a idea on how i could recreate these if i was ever going to make a set of them,

I really enjoyed looking around and looking at the buildings and the detail they hold.

Harry Potter studio in London

This week i went to the makers of Harry Potter to look at the sets and costumes and props that were used for the films.
As you were waiting in the que there was bits of the set as for this one is in the first film. This is Harry Potter bed room underneath the stairs. You really do get a feel what it would of been like when you see it right in front of you 

At the entrence before you step in to the magic of The makers of Harry Potter there is a short film of how the creators made the films and then the screen goes up to the sealing and then you see the main doors for the great hall.

As the doors were opening you could see the magic of the great hall all the props and costumes.

As you can see from the image they had the Christmas exhibition out when i went this time. In the great hall it was nice to see how the prop and other team made the set and how they made it work. When visiting the studio you do get a real feel on what it is like in a studio and how things work. In the great hall they had these christmas puddings that set on fire with speicel effects and they explained how that was used through out the films. As shown in the picture below.

The food that was laid on the table was made out of resin the reason behind this is because film productions carnt buy food like this if its not going to be eaten on film because of waist and money. So they make the food out of resin so they can keep re using it.

The costumes in Harry Potter were amazing and the amount of detail that went into the work even if it was only used for one shot the team would want it to be perfect, Seing the costumes of your favorite characters is just amazing and seing the amount of detail that goes into the clothing.

Whilst going to the makers of Harry Potter i got to do a work shop and had the chance to see some exclusive stuff. The most amazing thing i got to do was hold and touch Luna dress for me that was amazing to see it and touch it in real life.

Rob Bliss is a concept artist for Harry Potter i find his work really interesting and i like his style of drawing.

He has worked in
Thief of always 2013
Frankenstein 2013
Dracula Untold 2013
The crow 2012
Godzilla 2012
Last Days on mars 2012
Maleficent 2012
Candy Land 2011
Paradise Lost 2011
Neverland 2010
Jack the giant Killer 2009 10
The Dark Knight 2008
Harry Potter and the half blood prince 2008
Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix 2007
Watchmen 2005
Alexander 2004
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban 2004
Lara Croft tomb raider 2003

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets 2002 
Harry potter 2001 
tomb raider 2001 

Going to the maker of Harry Potter i got the chance to see the white mount board models which i found amazing as i now how much work goes in to just one piece.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Blood Brothers


Recently I went to go and see Blood brothers In Darlington. I really enjoyed the production and the stage was brilliantly set up and designed very well. 

The character i like the most is Maureen Nolan 

The royal Family BBC comedy

The royal family is a comedy that was on BBC. Writers Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne's are not just the writers on this show but also the actors. This series has been in my heart for a long time now its so comforting and funny and also emotional The character Jim Royal everyone has a Jim in there life. The characters have been so well planned out its is very British. 
The scene that touched alot of peoples hearts is when Jim and Denise are in the bathroom and Denise's waters break and Jim says ("Are you sure it's not just a bloody big piss, love?) but then breaks down in tears for his daughter there is very few moments in the royal family that you see Jim showing is effection and being seires with his words in such a caring way as he doesn't have a way with words. When you watch this scene it is very touching seing a father and daughter scene and Jim telling story's of when she was a little baby. Then at the end he goes back to his cheap skate ways .

Caroline Aherne began working with her long time collaborate Craig cash on a radio show in stockport kfm. 
Caroline Aherne's is the writer of The royal family and she is also a actor on the show.

 She started her TV life with her own show called Mrs Merton which started in 1995 and it was big hit. The show won a Bafta in 1997 for best talk show and a BBC comedy award for top BBC one personality. 
With Craig Crash she went on to writing the comedy The royal Family which is based on a family who spend most of their time in front of the tv. The show is looking upon a typical British home around this time.


Caroline Aherne
Denise Royle/Best
Sue Johnston
Barbara Royle
Ricky Tomlinson
Jim Royle
Ralf Little
Antony Royle
Liz Smith
Norma Speakman
Craig Cash
Dave Best
Doreen Keogh
Mary Carroll
Peter Martin
Joe Carroll
Jessica Stevenson
Cheryl Carroll
Geoffrey Hughes
Sheridan Smith
Emma Kavanagh
Andrew Whyment
Darren Sinclair-Jones
Matthew Hughes
Baby David
James Hughes
Baby David

Mount Grace

Photo: The priory church is picturesque all the time but is especially beautiful in the fading afternoon light of winter.

Mount Grace Is a museum  near Northallerton which is very near where i live. When you enter the place it looks so small but inside and behind there is such a huge story to be told. In the main house there is rooms that is full of William Morris furniture and wallpaper and fabrics. When you look closely to the wallpaper you can tell which one is mass produced and which one is hand printed.
The things I like the most about this museum is the William Morris collection. 

William Morris was born n Wolthamstow in Essex in march 1834. His work i think is amazing , my favorite print of his is called the Brer Rabbit . The reason why i like it so much is because of the colors and the detail and i find the print very eye appealing. I am a very big fan of William Morris i find his work stunning and would love one day my walls to be covered with his work. 

Thursday 20 November 2014

The castle Museum York

The Castle museum at York
 At this museum they had prison cells which were originally cells from the time and they had actors projected on the wall acting they were in the cell and telling use their story. The people they were acting were actual prisoners there. I liked the way they presented the exhibition because you really did feel like you were in prison in that era.
Also at the Castle Museum there is a Victorian street which you can enter the shops and it explores the wealthier population to the poorer and you get an I site what life is like and what the streets smelt like and what the work and social aspects are like. I like how the museum have put everything together and how it makes you feel like you are living in the Victorian era. I found this museum very interesting and a very good experience I would highly recommend you to go. Visit shops, like Banks Music, Sessions Printers and Terry’s sweet shop, which are names still operating today; others are within living memory for many residents like Leak and Thorp Drapers shop. What I found amazing is you get to see fascinating goods for sale which have disappeared from our high streets today from Cooper’s Saddlers, Horsley’s Gunsmiths, Cooke’s Scientific Instruments and Edward Allen Taxidermist. Some sold to the rich, like George Britton’s grocers, importers of fine teas and coffees; others like Thomas Ambler’s grocers to the working class. Some did both – John Saville, Pharmaceutical Chemist, would sell to leading citizens but also worked as a surrogate doctor to the poor.

At the museum there was also an exabition about the sixties and how this era made us who we are now and how things have changed from technology to style. The gallery uses fascinating and iconic objects from our social history, art, fashion, military and astronomy collections to bring back the atmosphere of change which swept over the country during the 1960s. Highlights include a Lambretta scooter, a Dansette record player, Beatles singles and fashion by Mary Quant. It was a amazing experience for me on a personal level throughout the exabition my dad was saying how he had that and singing along to the music that was played not only do you learn about the era at the museum I got to understand how it influenced my dad. Using visual design and colour schemes influenced by the trends of the decade, it explores key themes such as fashion, music, the home, sport, childhood, the Space Race, free love, counterculture and women’s liberation. Household exhibits include food packaging, clothes, electrical items, toys, records and more. Visitors can listen to memories of the decade via special telephones, listen to music on a Jukebox and watch television and film footage from the time. This part of the sixties exabition I liked the most I like to look at packaging and clothes and toys and how things have changed.
If you ever get the chance to go to York I do highly recommend going to this museum I had a fantastic time and most of all I learnt so much. 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Victorian Asylums and just Asylums history

Looking in to the history of Asylums 

And how they are interpretative the entertainment industry 

 One flew over the cuckoos nest 
 Girl interrupted 
 The perks of being a wallflower 
American horror story 
These are a few films that i have watched that are set in asylums or about mental health. I have a huge interested in asylums and i like to look how different production teams put there interpretation in to the set.  
One flew over the cuckoos nest is a drama in america that is set in a males ward in a asylum. Mcmurphy has a criminally past and he finds him self in trouble with the law again in court he pleaded that he had mental health issues and finds him self sent to a asylum for mentally unstable. When he enters the ward he makes trouble for the very over strict nurse Ranch. This film is all about rebellion of how life was like in a asylum and how there day to day life was controlled and often found them self board. Quit allot of characters in the story have been in the ward for many years and find them selves trapped and this is what the story is all about.
This seires called American horror story Asylum   is a horror seires that is set in a american Mental Asylum home to the serial killer Bloody face. American Horror story: begins in a Asylum in 1964 at the fictional mental institution Briarcliff manor.
Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 
How patients were treated

Insulin shock therapy.jpg

One of the treatments in the 50s is Insulin shock therapy as shown in the image above. Insulin Therepy was a psychiatric treatment in which patients were repeatedly injected with large amount of insulin in order to produce daily comas over several weeks, this treatment made the patceint go in to fits and dehydrated  this treatment was for schizophrenia.
There was also a treatment were they put you in boiling water and put a lid on the bath this was to calm the pateints but really all it did was add trauma and burnt them in some cases.