Wednesday 5 November 2014

Victorian Asylums and just Asylums history

Looking in to the history of Asylums 

And how they are interpretative the entertainment industry 

 One flew over the cuckoos nest 
 Girl interrupted 
 The perks of being a wallflower 
American horror story 
These are a few films that i have watched that are set in asylums or about mental health. I have a huge interested in asylums and i like to look how different production teams put there interpretation in to the set.  
One flew over the cuckoos nest is a drama in america that is set in a males ward in a asylum. Mcmurphy has a criminally past and he finds him self in trouble with the law again in court he pleaded that he had mental health issues and finds him self sent to a asylum for mentally unstable. When he enters the ward he makes trouble for the very over strict nurse Ranch. This film is all about rebellion of how life was like in a asylum and how there day to day life was controlled and often found them self board. Quit allot of characters in the story have been in the ward for many years and find them selves trapped and this is what the story is all about.
This seires called American horror story Asylum   is a horror seires that is set in a american Mental Asylum home to the serial killer Bloody face. American Horror story: begins in a Asylum in 1964 at the fictional mental institution Briarcliff manor.
Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 
How patients were treated

Insulin shock therapy.jpg

One of the treatments in the 50s is Insulin shock therapy as shown in the image above. Insulin Therepy was a psychiatric treatment in which patients were repeatedly injected with large amount of insulin in order to produce daily comas over several weeks, this treatment made the patceint go in to fits and dehydrated  this treatment was for schizophrenia.
There was also a treatment were they put you in boiling water and put a lid on the bath this was to calm the pateints but really all it did was add trauma and burnt them in some cases.

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