Friday 17 April 2015

Concept in Lord of the rings and The Hobbit

Concept art of Lord Of The Rings

Peter Jackson wanted Alan Lee and John Hoe to do the concept art for The Lord Of The Rings because they all ready worked with the book and illustrations and where fully experienced.
This video that is shown below shows the making of the film and the people that are involved.
I like the Bits where Allan and John speak I find them both interesting and have so much to say about the industry and there ideas.

In this video i found when they were explaining the 3d drawing with using red and blue inspiring and I never thought of it as a concept before.
They developed this with traditional drawings using pencil and ink and charcoal.
The 3d effect is something i would love to have ago at.
They wanted to do the concept to be something new and exciting.

For this image if you wear 3D glasses you will see it in 3d.

The work and time that went in to making these film sets is truly amazing and the skill that every artist who worked on the film is just out of this world.

When you look at the Lord of the rings and the hobbit concept art you really can see the development in technology.

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