Thursday 19 February 2015



The Nintendo industry has been a big part of my life for many years , i have decided to have a research in how it started and who started the gaming industry. 
Through out the years Nintendo has created many games and consoles to entertain the world and they have successfully succeeded but how did they get so big ?.  

The color TV Game series was the first color console that you play at the comfort of your own home. The first game for this console was Light Tennis that has a similar lay out to Pong. This console soon got out faced due to the fact you could not play any other games than just the one.  

The next game that soon met the eye and became very popular world wide was Nintendo entertainment system. This became allot more popular rather than The color TV Game series.

My favorite Nintendo game has to be Zelda.
My favorite game has to be Twilight Princess the art work, and concept art for this game is to amazing for words. When I was looking into the game in more depth I found out that one of the concept artist is Yusuke Nakano.
Unfortunately there is not much about this artist that i could find. But the whole franchise of this game is truly amazing. The concept art is something that i highly admire.

This is one of the books that I have and I highly recommend it . It goes through the history of Zelda and the characters and how they are developed.

This is the kind of art work that highly adore.
File:Timeline Hyrule Historia.jpg
As I was researching through the history of the game i found out that allot of inspiration came from mythology.
When you start looking in depth on the story line it can become rather hard to follow, Hyrule was formed many years ago through the works of the three Golden Goddesses: Din the goddess of the power.As you can see from the image shown below.

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