Wednesday 4 March 2015



Bioshock is one of my favorite games for Xbox 360. I love the concept art for the game. 
Above there is a few images that are from the newer game Bioshock Infinite, the artists is Ben Lo. 
The art is truly memorizing and the art movement is very fluent which I like in art. 

Ben Lo has also done some fan art, hear is one of his piece which is a character  of ToToro which is a anime film from a company called Studio Ghibli. 

Tribe Nightguard is a character in Ben Lo Tribe World. He explains in his own blog what this characters role is in the game. 
I truly love his style of work and how the concept gets put together. 
He has a wide range of themes and characters he has designed and you can see that he can work in many different ways, I love how his work tells the story with needing words.

Hear is Ben Lo blog 

 br eaking  ba d by benlo d6n0c4q

This is one of his Fan Art pieces of Breaking Bad the TV series, I personally love this piece.
I love looking at fan art and how they make it more personal to them. 

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