Sunday 25 January 2015

Film and Game Zombies

I am looking at a Book called zombies by Russ Thorne. 

Hear is a image of what the book looks like if you are wanting to get it. 

From a young age i have been interested in mythical creatures from good to bad. 
Hear i am looking at Zombies which is a very large part of modern pop culture. 
I want to look at films and gaming in this blog as i have a huge interest in them. 

The walking dead ( very popular at the moment) 
I love the drawing style of the comics and fell i love with the story line. 
Tony Moore is one of the team of artist who illustrate the comics. 

Tony Moore illustrated one of my favorite covers of the comics trad paper backs. I don't now why i love this cover so much it just the cover that stands out to me the most.  
Moore was Born in Kentucky. When at school he became friends with Robert Kirkman, which soon became partners with there comic book illustrations. 
Their first comic book together was battle Pope in 2000. 
In 2003 Kirkman and Moore created Invincible for images new superhero line. The story surrounded the adolescent son of the worlds most powerful superhero, who develops powers and starts his own superhero career. 
But later on Kirkman was not meeting deadlines and was replaced by Ryan Ottley. 
Later on the pair of them went to work on The walking Dead in 2003. 
Kirkman also worked for marvel. 
They both inspired each other through their work. 



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