Sunday 5 October 2014

The Bowes Museum Trip how it influenced me ....

I visited The Bowes Museum with uni the other week. The collection was just breath taking and I learnt so much by just being there. The collections that had my most interest is the clothing and the Antiques and how I could create them as a prop for my uni work.

I looked at all the costumes and found it amazing on how much detail went in to their clothing and how we as  a era has lost that detail and care for our clothing and interior and how we use the fast way in everything we do. In the Victorian era if you where in a higher class detail was very important and often wasn't just there to look pretty but also had a huge meaning that needed to be stated.

When I was at the museum I found allot that I didn't know such as the building wasn't built to be a house it was built for a museum and a place where John and Josephine could keep their collectibles and for the public to go and have a look at there wealth and knowledge  of art.  

I also liked the way the Museum placed the collectibles to look presentable and look more appealing to the public this gave me many ideas on how objects can be placed on stage or set.

I also found interest in the furniture and how they were set for different social events through out the day. Which is a good idea for moving things around for the set.

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